Monday, November 12, 2007
Una Vida Mejor is the first narrative film by an American filmmaker that deals directly with illegal immigration. The full length feature film written, produced and directed by Mr. James has been submitted for consideration to various film festivals including local favorites, Sundance and Slamdance. For more information go to Be sure to watch the movie trailer below, or on the site.
Una Vida Mejor has the appearance of a realist film, but uses symbolism and metaphor to drive home its points. The result is a film that places a lot of trust in its audience, and a film that represents the complexity of the issues without providing easy answers.
Una Vida Mejor - A Better Life
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
"TURN AROUND" The Movie - A modern-day Alma the Younger story
WHEN/WHERE: Friday, September 21
SCERA Theater in Orem -- 745 South State St., Orem, UT -- (801) 225-2560
WHAT: The band, Metzener, will play music from the film starting at 6:15pm. The movie will start at 6:45pm.
ADMISSION: $6.50 at the SCERA. This is a fund-raising event, so spread the word and bring friends and family!
Turn Around will be shown in the large Xango theater
September 21 - 27, at 4:00, 6:45, 9:00 pm, and Saturday a matinee at 1:45 pm:
THE SCERA IN OREM--745 S State St Orem, UT 84058 (801) 225-2560
FYI - This is the theater where they hold the LDS film festival each year.
Monday, September 03, 2007
It looks like I haven’t updated since before the last “Kittens” show. Now, to bring you up to date… (I had to read my last post to see where I’d left off.)
I failed to mention last time that my friend Niki Nelson did win the IFA “Actress of The Month” for July.
About the two lovely ladies I did mention in my last post, SUERO & Jesslyn, well both of them are winners too. First off Miss Jesslyn won in the female “Pop” category in the “Talent Quest” finals and now moves on to the nationals. Good for her! I got an email from Sue this morning telling me that she just had won the August IFA Actress of The Month. Yay Susan! I seem to be surrounded be winners!
I know I’ve mentioned that I had a very small part in a short film called “Backstroke” about a year ago that stared Miss Niki Nelson, written and directed by Miss
“Backstroke” has now been in 6 festivals, and it won the audience favorite in SLC at the Utah Art’s Festival. Good for you Amy we are proud of you and keep up your good work!
Miss Amy B’s music is also featured on my myspace page. She is the drummer for “Our Dark Horse”. Amy was kind enough to invite Sue & I to a house party a few weeks ago for a very private “Our Dark Horse” concert for friends. Let’s just say it was both personal and amazing plus it was followed by cocktails!

I was cast as the radio talk show host in “A Better Life” by Andrew James. I have about eight full pages of dialogue to record. This is what I love to do! They also have a few scenes to re-shoot so the film can be completed.
Mr. Josh Samson has cast me in a film called “Desert Wind” where I play a slimy “post apocalyptic” slave trader/pimp type guy. Fun! We will be filming my part this next weekend.
I still need to record the two projects in
I had an audition this last week for a Disney movie, followed by another audition the next day for someone else. These are the first auditions I’ve had in a while, but I did get the second one right on the spot. I’ll be playing the “Lead Detective” in a pretty intense independent feature length film about an “Al Qaeda” type sleeper cell here in the
Still I’m waiting for word on the Disney film, but not loosing any sleep over it, so we’ll see.
I just started another acting class on the “Meisner Technique”. I been to one class and walked away with some really good stuff. I even went to “Barnes & Nobel” and bought a few books on Mr. Meisner. One called Sanford Meisner On Acting” and “The Sanford Meisner Approach”, a workbook. For me this is pretty exciting. I know that I have a lot to learn and I am eager to learn. Here is a quote from the first book and it really sums up acting for me: “I was beginning to realize that acting which really dug at me was what I was looking for”
Don’t forget the “Slippery Kittens” on September 15th @ Bar Deluxe 666 S State St. SLC.
BTW we are hosting out annual Halloween party on the 27th of October. More Later!
See Ya,
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Well folks this was a lot of fun, I got to puke, (even getting some on the camera man) drink the props, and run a stop sign right after a county sheriff went by. I was driving with a real 45 on the seat next to me, and an open bottle of real “Old Crow” sour mash bourbon whiskey that I’d been drinking… This was a low/no budget film, so getting that fancy ass “colored water” was out of the question. Well you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do! Then they told me to take the rest home and dispose of it properly. So, how am I supposed to do that? I think I’ll try diluting it with some coke or something.
Also this week for three nights, I got to be the announcer for the “Talent Quest”
karaoke semi finals at “Club 90”. The finals are this coming week on the 14th & 15th, also at “Club 90”. It was a lot of fun and there are a lot of really great singers competing. This week will be my third week listening and each week so far they have stepped it up from the previous week, so I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing what they bring to the table for the finals. Two lovely ladies from our “Actors Lounge” class/group have made the finals, Susan “SUERO” on the 14th, the “Country” finals and Jesslyn on the 15th for the “Pop” finals. Both are amazing singers and I wish them the best of luck. SUERO is also up for the "IFA" actress of the month too. Vote for her everyday!
On the agenda for me this week, is Emceeing the aforementioned “Talent Quest” finals Tuesday and Wednesday, this event starts at 7:00 pm. Then on to emceeing for the “Slippery Kittens” on Friday this time, the 17th, the show starts around 10:00 pm and this show is to celebrate their one year anniversary.
They took votes last month to see what the audience liked best from the past year, and as a thank you for the support, the lovely “Kittens” will be doing those numbers.
By the way, the Kittens are holding auditions on September 9th @ 9:00 am. So if you’ve ever wanted to be a burlesque dancer/performer, here’s your chance.
On Sunday I am headed up north to do a couple of “pick-up” shots for “Where There’s A Will There’s An Ape” by Sam Potter, due to a few technical issues. So I’ll be in
The other is for an online advertisement auction / sale on “Ebay”. This one is being done by the “In the Dark” studio’s group.
That's about it for now, except for a secret about an award winning short film I got to be a part of...See Ya,
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Filming this last week and the next few weeks:
1.) “Threats & Confessions” I am the yet to be named “Mob Boss”. The conflict / story is that “Steve” the son of the “Mob Boss” wants to leave the business, get married and live happily ever after. Needless to say, daddy is not real excited about that. You may already know this, but let’s just say gangsters are not real nice folk, even with “family” and I’ll leave it at that.
I filmed my part last Thursday and Friday night’s. This is a short film for some students at BYU and the way I understand it, it will be used by several of the students for different types of projects. They are also planning on submitting it to upcoming festivals. They found me on the internet by “google-ing” me. They found me on my myspace and here. Cool!
2.) “Where There's a Will, There's an Ape” This is a Sam Potter film. I worked with Sam over a year ago when he was the cinematographer on a project called “Graveyard Shift” I was the angry boss in that one.
Well he posted am audition call on “Craigslist” or the “Wasatch Film Group” and I responded with a copy of my resume and headshot. He recognized me, said he remembered me and gave me the part without an audition. Cool!
I play a small part in a bus station as a guy minding my own business waiting for my bus. Then the main nut job comes over to chat, and it goes from there. Lots of fun!
3.) Next up is an untitled “
Looking at the rest of the cast, I see there are lots of folks I have gotten to play with before, so I am excited to be a part of this one. I see that Niki Nelson is in this too. Her and I have been in several of the same projects but have only worked at the same time once. Other projects I find out about on her page, or in the opening credits of something. We did do one scene together where she killed me. OK, so, really, she brutally stabbed me to death after I was hit by a car…Cool! Hey she is also up for "Actress of The Month" vote for her today, & everyday in July!
4.) “2nd Thought” a James Cawley film. Is being produced by “In The Dark Studios” up in
Well I read the script, and other than some voice over by my “Boss”, I am the only one in the cast. Pretty cool! Well the story is about a guy who has lost everything and is at the end. He is an alcoholic, depressed, he feels worthless and hopeless. It is a sad story, but … I do have some dialogue but most of the film is going to be me ‘re-acting’ to everything in my world. The challenge will be me being believable. I’ve seen people try to do this type of thing and not too many of them are too very convincing, so I hope for James and myself that I am good enough to pull it off.
OK, I know I suck! I know that some of you only live vicariously through me and my exciting adventures and here I am letting you go for weeks without a Bill fix. Please find it in your heart to be forgiving. Ok, so, enough of that crap! Hey I’ve been busy, so back off!
The last post stated that I’d be emceeing the “Slippery Kittens” variety show event at the end of June, so I guess that’s where I’ll begin.
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a far, far away land, a land called Layton, in that land I participated in a fundraising activity along with a very special group of friends. Our fundraiser had us operating a TNT fireworks booth selling, what else but… fireworks. We did pretty well and so the following year we did it again, and so on, and so on. This was 8 years ago! We are still working with TNT, but for ourselves now, call it a “Gillane Family” fundraiser if you will. We now operate two 40 X 60’ tents on the west side, one in Kearns and the other a few blocks from our house in
So for the last week of June and the first week of July, we are busy with that and then for several weeks after, I am settling the books and paying everyone and generally closing a business down. It is actually a lot of fun and it seems like it’s the only time we get to see some of our friends.
The “Slippery Kittens” show was great as always and I can’t wait until the show on the 28th of July. This show is ALL new, new numbers, costumes, dances and fun.
This last week, these lovely ladies were part in a new feature film produced here in SLC called “Animals”. There is a part I think a dream sequence, that required burlesque dancers, so there you go!
The Kittens also held a carwash fundraiser for a guy named Marty who was deliberately run over by a white van at around 2 am near 700 East and 4500 South, a few weeks back while he and his wife were riding there bicycles. Tons of folks showed up, not only because of the bikini wearing Kittens, but because it was the right thing to do. There was an hour and a half wait to get your car washed. The car wash was held at a Moe’s bar and grill downtown where they had 3 or 4 bands playing and the proceeds were also donated to the “Marty” fund. Several more fundraisers are planned over the next few weeks for Marty and his family.
I am quite taken by the support of everyone involved. Including the “Bikers Against Child Abuse” who showed up in pretty impressive numbers to get their Harley’s cleaned, plus the many bars and clubs and other organizations that are holding events to help out.
Bar Deluxe where the Kittens perform, is holding a fundraiser this weekend. There will be a least 4 bands playing there too. So if you want to get out and play on Saturday night, head over to be
My next post is about my filming stuff. Stay tuned!
See Ya,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wow I haven’t updated for a few weeks, so here goes:
As I stated in a previous post I was asked to Emcee for the “Slippery Kittens” in SLC on the 30th of this month, and on the 28th of July too. This month is a variety show with various acts from fairly tame to somewhat outrageous. Next month the Kittens will be performing exclusively.
I am working on a few jokes, a bit of stand up if you will. I am seeking ideas and jokes or funnies that may be just a bit off. I am looking for stuff that I can possibly use at the start of each show. I have come up with some stuff, but I’d love to get your ideas too!
On the acting front, I have been blessed to be able to work with a very talented group working on the independent feature film “Manifesto”. Here is a clip from the first day of filming, there is no sound, but I’ll bet you can read my lips.
Shooting was scheduled to take place on the weekends and because of location issues filming ended up being delayed for two weeks. Then, once we started filming, my shoot dates ended up getting moved up a week. I did get to film one day, but at the end of the day we had some equipment failure, so, Sunday ended up being a bust as far as filming went, but it did end up being a rehearsal day.

When we reconvened the next weekend and after meeting for most of the day, it was decided to take the film in an entirely different direction. So the cast and crew were called together on Sunday for a meeting where the changes were discussed. But for now anyway, it looks like the project may just be shelved.
Oh well, on to other projects!
I did my part in the 35mm film project called 10 letters. I was the preacher, who let us say enjoys his female congregation. That’s only a very small part of the story, but it was my part. The story is actually about one of those internet chain letters and the consequences, taken to the extreme for not following the instructions.
This was done by a few grad students in the advanced film department up at the U. The department was awarded a grant from “Kodak” for the project. It was only opened grad students, but those students could enroll other film students to participate.
The night I filmed, there had to be 20+ people and tons of equipment. Part of the grant was the use of a 35mm movie camera. The camera came in 19 boxes and a van was rented to carry all the equipment. Pretty impressive stuff! No, not the van rental, but the fact that the camera involved so much.

I think the reason that Kodak was giving away the grants was so that students get a chance to work with the equipment that they have heard about and may have only dreamed of being able to actually work with.
So much “filming” is being done on HD cameras and it’s those cameras that the students are learning on. The HD equipment it is so much less expensive to work with than film is. Both the cost of the film itself and the processing is very expensive. So I’m sure that the film manufacturers like Kodak are pretty concerned about loosing massive amounts of revenue if the up and comers don’t use their product. I say that its a pretty wise investment for Kodak.
Filming was fun and another learning experience for me. I really enjoy working with this group. They had a wrap party a few nights later where we all got to just BS, hang out and discuss this project along with some other upcoming projects.
Sue & I went to the “Damn these Heels” showing of “Back Stroke”. It was at “Brewvies” where you can get a meal, a beer or wine cooler and watch a movie. Pretty cool idea, hua? Afterwards we ended up at the WFW to play.
“Back Stroke” is playing this week at the “Utah Arts Festival’s” - “Fear No Film” event, @ 1:00 pm Friday and 7:00 pm Sunday at the Downtown Salt Lake City Library in the Auditorium and it’s free! If you haven’t seen it yet come play with us! This film is getting a lot of recognition both nationally & internationally and is now playing in its 3rd festival.
That’s it for now but remember to send your jokes and funnies my way, maybe I’ll use yours!
See Ya,
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Looks like a couple of weeks since I’ve updated. To start with just after my last post, on Saturday night the 19th I got to be the Emcee at a "Slippery Kittens Burlesque" show in downtown SLC. It was supposed to be me and another guy to see who got to be the regular emcee for the group. We were to be there by 7:30 pm and get to know our way around and so on. Well the other guy never showed up – lucky for me! Well the group actually liked how I handled myself and I had a lot of fun too. They have since asked me to be their official emcee. Their next two shows are the 30th of June, and the 28th of July.
Earlier in the day on the 19th, I was involved in the re-shoot of a zombie short film called “Test Subject Zero” I am one of three security guards who cover a 24 hour period. Each guard is featured interacting with the captured Zombie. That interaction is where the story lies.
Paul wrote and directed a short film I was in called “Blue Moon”. Paul just graduated from the U and this coming Thursday he is leaving for
It was also kind of sad as he is leaving and I knew it might be the last time we get to see one another for quite a while. You shall be missed. Good for you Paul, and good luck!
Friday night I got to see “Side Effects” over at
Also showing was a film called “Pole Dance” it was a delightful short film that was genuine and real, and fun to watch. It was honest and entertaining at the same time. It’s about a group of ladies who belong to a book reading club, a coffee clutch if you will, an intellectual group of individuals who explore different parts of their being, discovering and awakening and embracing who they truly are, and having fun in the process.
I had a rehearsal on Tuesday night for the 35 mm film project called “10 Letters”, and have another one this Tuesday. We will be filming my part on Sunday night the 3rd.
I am taking a class on the 2nd and the 3rd of June. And I’m supposed to be in Vegas for a mortgage seminar event on the 6th 7th and 8th, I don’t see that happening. And my part for “Manifesto” is scheduled to film on the 8th and 9th, and the 16th and 17th of June.
Manifesto is having a few “location” issues, so I don’t know if things are pushed back or what. I do know that the writer, director, star, producer… need to have it filmed and edited and completed by, I think, September in order to get into “Sundance” for 2008.
Had a very lazy Memorial Day weekend, ate out a few times, BBQ’d did a little yard work, repaired the sprinklers – ALL of them actually work and are on the timer, and the timer is even set correctly.
Robbie took his new puppy and his sister Anna & his brother Sean camping, so Sue and I had the house and the weekend to ourselves. We ate like pigs, stayed up late and got up late too. Not a bad way to spend the weekend.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Here is an email I just got from Miss. Amy Bronson. She is a student film maker up at the U. She made a short film called "Backstroke" last year and I got to be a part of it. Niki Nielsen and Aimee Walden are the stars. I am the angry dad... Linda Eyring is the shrink (Doctor). I can't spell psychiatrist.
Well Amy has been submitting it all over. Here a few messages Amy has sent me over the last few weeks. The last one was today.
"Backstroke will premiere at "NewFest 2007" - New York City's LGBT film fest. The fest runs from May 31 to June 10. NewFest is pretty established (it's in its 19th year)..."

Festival (aka the "'Damn These Heels' GLBT film festival") in Salt
Lake, from May 31 to June 3rd at the tower theater." Backstroke shows on June 1st.

ladies and gents,
i am oh-so-happy to inform you all that "Backstroke" has made it into
the utah arts festival as part of the international fear no film
festival in salt lake city. we will screen twice during the festival -
the categories are yet to be announced, but we may be eligible for the
utah short film of the year competition! here's the info i have so
Your short film BACKSTROKE has been selected as part of the 2007 Fear
No Film Festival program. CONGRATULATIONS!
Fear No Film is the short film component of the much larger Utah Arts
Festival. Over 80,000 people will attend the festival, with works in
all mediums celebrated from Thursday, June 21st through Sunday, June
24th. The UAF closes down one of the most beautiful sections of Salt
Lake City which includes the City and County Building and Library
Square, SLC's new, multiple-award winning architectural jewel.

Fear No Film screenings take place in the City Library's main
auditorium. Because the theater is located INSIDE the library, all
Fear No Film screenings are free and open to the public, regardless of
entry into the remainder of the UAF. (SEND ALL YOUR FAMILY AND
Your movie will screen twice as part of one of the following screenings:
HAPPY (rated PG)
HAPPY (rated R)
Filmmakers in attendance will be invited to participate in a brief Q&A
after their screening.
More information will follow in the coming week, including screening
category and screening times, and where you can receive 2 VIP passes
to the entire Utah Arts Festival. Please feel free to email me with
any questions.
Congratulations once again,
Topher at Fear No Film
That's three festivals in just a few weeks!
See Ya,
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I called Will and let him know and he said that the “Official” read wasn’t going to actually take place until 1:00 pm and that the first hour was going to be chatting about the script and getting everyone’s feedback, just to get there as soon as I could. I ended up getting there about 20 minutes late, but still in time to get in on the discussion. The read went great and hearing it aloud was a treat.
This is a full length feature film and I am excited to be a part of it. The story was written by and is to be directed by Will. He is also the main character actually the main two characters. They will be filming on the weekends and my weekends are tentatively set for June 9th & 10th and the 16th & 17th. The film is an ultra low budget SAG film, so there is pay, but not a ton. I just hope I can do a good job and get some good exposure.
When I left the table read, I got a call about an audition I did on Monday afternoon. I read for the part of a “touchy feely”, but not in a good way, preacher. Well I got the part. This one is being done by three grad students up at the U. I’ve worked with all three before, and I can’t wait to see what a collaboration of their talents will produce. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for, but I am expecting excellence! This one is a 35 mm film.
OK, so here is the real reason I am updating this so soon. SO, I go and pick up Sean. We do a bit of mothers day shopping and we head home.
Robbie and I are in the family room and Sean goes to get a glass of milk in the kitchen. I can’t see what he is doing from where I am sitting, but I hear a glass break, then another. I am immediately thinking, what the hell is he doing? Robbie looks over, and then all of a sudden crash, bang, almost like thunder, banging, breaking… from where I was the sound was intense, from where Sean was, it must have been deafening. Then I hear Robbie shouting what the f---, them we hear poor Sean yelling help! “Can someone come and help me…” This all happened so fast that Robbie and I are almost tripping over each other to get to Sean and see what the hell is going on.
We get in there to find Sean holding up the cabinet up as it is hanging off of the wall. It is the cabinet that we have ALL of our glass. The wine glasses, daily glasses, good dishes, daily dishes, glass cooking dishes and bowl’s… everything is glass or stoneware.
Thank goodness we all had shoes on. So Robbie and I grabbed the cabinet and held it and had Sean check to see if he is OK. There was broken glass everywhere, coffee cups, plates, bowl’s, wine glasses, family collectables… everything. Sean was a bit shaken, but we still needed to get the rest of the stuff out of the cabinets. Robbie and I held the cabinet up, and were handing Sean the contents. Eventually we got everything out and we lifted the thing off the wall, crunching through the glass praying we didn’t slip on it. As we got to the end of the long counter, the cabinet broke apart into two cabinets. We set them down and started the cleanup. WOW!
Amazingly nobody was hurt, and nobody got even a single cut.
We bought this house new 10 and a half years ago and to state the obvious, we must have had way too much weight in the cabinet. But looking at it too, there were only 8 screws holding the whole thing up! That seems pretty lame to me, but I am not a cabinet installer, so I don’t know if that’s normal or not.
I need to find someone who does cabinet installation. I think the cabinets are salvageable, but again, I’m not a cabinet guy.
Happy Mothers Day!
See Ya,
Friday, May 11, 2007
Monday the 21st, and Tuesday the 22nd, the “48 Hour Project” is showing all the entries again, at both the “Tower” theater and over at “Brewvies” – The one that I am in is called "The Stone Talice" and it will be shown at “Brewvies” on Tuesday at the 7:00 show. Check the 48 Hour website for the theater addresses, the show times, and any other info:
Last Wednesday afternoon May 2nd, we filmed my part for a TV Pilot called “Perfect”. I am the boss, or lead detective who pairs up the rookie with the more experienced cop. And “it’s NOT an option it’s more like an order…”

This past Friday the 4th, I played the part of Dr. Bill Pepper in a feature film called “Turn Around” that they are planning to have complete and ready for distribution sometime later this year, maybe as soon as August or September. I was the ER doctor who gets to defibrillate one of the main actors. This one is geared toward the LDS & Christian markets.

This next one is not really geared towards the LDS & Christian markets. Sunday I auditioned to be the “Emcee” for a “Burlesque” type of show that performs once or twice a month in downtown SLC. Think “Moulin Rouge” or “Cabaret” Salt Lake City style. Sundyn, a lovely young lady from my acting class is one of the “Slippery Kittens”, and the one who told me about the auditions.
They called me on Wednesday and told me that it was between me and another guy. Now since neither he nor I had ever actually been to the show, they want us to come on the 19th and split the show, he does half and I do the other half or something like that.
Then they, along with audience feedback, I guess, will determine who gets the gig. It should be lots of fun, and if you would like to come support me just shoot me an email and I’ll send you the details, or you can go to:
We filmed the Wedding scene on Sunday afternoon for David Christensen’s film called “True Love”. Anna was in it too as the disinterested daughter watching her sister get married.
Next, I got a call last Thursday from Tony Henrichsen telling me that he had reworked (edited) his “On The Lot” film submission called “The Gilded Scarab” and wanted to send me the new copy. I can’t wait to see it, he is mailing it.
Topher Mehlhoff, who wrote and filmed the short film “NightBat” sent me an email letting me know he was done with it and he too was going to send me a copy of the finished product.
Daniel Letz, who I worked with over a year ago on a film called “Graveyard Shift”, where I play the boss of the main character, is also complete. I should get my copy in the next week or so.
Lastly, Josh Samson, who I’ve done quite a few projects with is burning me a copy of those films too.
I think that it’s pretty cool that stuff I did a while back, and even more recently, I’ll soon have a copy of to view and share.
And speaking of Josh, he was the camera operator for an audition I did on Monday up at the U. I still haven’t herd back on that one and I don’t know how soon they were going to actually cast the film.
Saturday, tomorrow is the table read for “Manifesto” a Will Cohen full length feature film. It stars Will, and Niki Nielsen - take a look at her blog. The film she was part of for the "48 Hour Project" called "Boggled" won an award or two. You can also see it on Monday or Tuesday too, see above, this girl is going places. Niki and I have been in several films together, one, an Amy Bronson film called "Backstroke", and will be screened at the "Damn These Heels" festival in SLC at Brewvies on June 1st.
Manifesto also stars Melody Sain, she is a star who is also on her way up, I just don't have links to her stuff, along with Mr. Randall Malin a great actor whom I am often up against in auditions, Michael Risk from Craze, he too is a very talented and busy guy, plus so many other excellent local talent. I have worked with a lot of the crew, and they are as good as it gets too.
I have a pretty decent size part in this one. I am the main characters boss. My name is “Richard” and I am one of only a few who don’t get killed.
So there you go, that’s my update! I have been busy and I will have a busy next few months. I love it! More of these are paying too, not a ton, but enough to pay for my classes and gas anyway.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Friday evening was the U’s Film Studies Spring Show, “Persistent Vision’s”. I went with Sue, Anna, & Sean. It started about 8 and finished up about 11:30. There were 16 short films and some were great, some not as great. Some were just too long. But I really enjoyed my time there.
I am pretty sure Anna’s favorite was “Backstroke”, followed closely by “Frames Of Reference”. I don’t want to play favorites, but I really enjoyed the finished product of all the films I was involved with. The work done by the students was amazing. With both their peer’s and teacher’s feedback and coaching, it all paid off in a very professional and high quality body of work. Congratulations!
Just a few quick comments and follow-ups on the films I was involved with in no particular order:
The Prayer – Josh Negley – Fabulous work! I loved how Josh added the evils of war news clips and still the photography, I felt that it really drove the point home and brought back memories for me of a reality and message that I think we should never allow ourselves to forget, thank you.
Backstroke –
Blue Moon –
Frames Of Reference –
Here is a quote to me in an email from Dan Christensen a fellow actor who was also in a film that evening, and was in attendance for the show: “For the most part, I was impressed with the quality of the production work during the evening. We have some sophisticated students working.” I must agree! Dan and I have worked together before and I hope to work with him again. His piece that night was dark, disturbing and scary. Cool! Good job Dan.
One last note, I am blessed to be able to work with these folks and hone my craft as they grow and develop their skills. I have made working relationships and friendships along the way. I enjoy the projects and look forward to many more. Thank you for allowing me to play along.
Once I get a copy of these films, and I learn how, I will post them on here, or at least post a link to them.
See Ya,
Friday, April 20, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Busy times!!! Good though. I thought I’d share my weekend with you.
The “Zombie” shoot this past Friday, call time for me ended up being 4:30 pm. I really didn’t think it would take too long as my stuff was just two scenes. Well I was wrong. I got to the wardrobe area on time, and to the set about 5:30. When we got there, they were setting up the lights, track, camera + + +, as they do. Then they took everyone around the corner to another location to shot a different scene. They finally got to my scene around 8:30 pm. Once we were done with my first scene, they took me to “Makeup” and made me a “Zombie”, working as quickly as Shawn, the makeup artist, could I got back on the set, beautifully disgusting at 11:30. They set up the shot, did a few dry runs and finished up with me, after having my brains bashed out, around 2:30 am. I got home about 3 am, I still had to finish removing the prosthetics and the makeup, I took a shower and climbed into bed at 4:04 am.
The alarm went off at 6:30 for me to get ready to shoot with my 48 Hour team. We did a complete run through just as though it were the actual competition. They picked the genre, prop, line of dialogue and character, just like we are going to do this next weekend. Our goal is to see what works and what we need to work on, where we need to tweak and make flow more smoothly. Plus we got to actually work together and got to see how we really interact in a real pressure situation.
“Si-Fi” was pulled and they made me the main character who is a scientist who clones, and I have cloned myself at least three times. So, I had three roles to play, and quite a bit of dialogue to learn rather quickly. With my 2½ sleep I was slower than I should have been. I am accountable, it was me that slowed things down a bit. The other 4 actors were great and supportive. They helped me run and learn my lines. It was a lot of fun. I even got to take a few hours off to attend 2 different auditions.
At the first audition, I walked in and saw Niki Nielson doing her audition. She and I have been in a few of the same short films up at the U. Niki did a great job. There were a lot of other folks at this audition that I know too. The writer / director is Will Cohen, who I am in 801 with, was holding the auditions. Sue and I saw him up at “Sundance” this year too. This audition was one where everyone watches everyone else audition. It’s a bit weird watching your competition audition. There is lots of pressure, but if you rock, you rock, and if you suck, you suck, plus now everyone knows it. Usually auditions are done for a casting director, a reader, someone to read aloud with you, and maybe the writer and or director, and most of the time the auditions are filmed. I think that this type of audition is a great learning experience for me. Makes me stretch and grow.
I don’t know yet how I did in their eyes, but having just come from filming, and shooting the night before, and having my acting class the night before that, and filming Wednesday night on another project, I think I carried a bit more confidence than usual. So I think I did pretty good but we’ll see.
The second audition was right down the street. I was warned about it by some of the folks at the first audition. They said that they had gone and weren’t sure if it was even a real audition. They were thinking that the folks were holding it were actually doing a “mocumentary” about what people will do to get a part in a movie or TV show, “American Idol” style. I went mainly to see what it was all about. There was a line and I saw several people I know who were also suspicious after having been there for a long time and seeing other people leave. The folks holding the auditions were doing “exit interviews” with the people who had auditioned, about their experience of the audition. It was a really weird situation. I visited with a few of my friends there and I left without auditioning.
Then I met up with my 48 Hour team to finish shooting our project. We got done around 7 pm. Now they get to edit and make us look good, or not. That is why we did this, to see what works and what didn’t. Next weekend is the big event!
Sunday, Anna and I went to film another project. This time it was with David Christensen, whom I have worked with on several projects and Ashley from my acting class. She is great! This time I play a typical dad. Anna even got to be involved, she played the non speaking, disinterested daughter. I think that we may have been type cast this time.
PROJECTS I am currently cast in, or I’m working on include:
April 20th - U of U’s Spring Show “Persistent Visions” / Several Films
April 20th, 21st and 22nd 48 Hour Project / Screening the 24th @ 9:30 pm
April 28th TV Pilot “Perfect” cast as “Captain Jason Carter”
May 5th Zombie Re-Shoot cast as the Security Guard #3
Feature Film “Overcome” cast as “Dr. Pepper” Not sure on the date yet.
So yes it is a busy time, but lots of fun too! What do they say, “Do what you love, and the money will follow”. I’m just not sure when yet.
See Ya,
P.S. Everyone is invited to the U of U event @ 8:00 pm Friday night. Please see the flyer below. You’re also invited to the screening on the 24th at the Broadway theater downtown @ 9:30 pm. Hope to see you there!