I'll Be The Emcee Saturday Night The 28th
See Ya There!
Filming this last week and the next few weeks:
1.) “Threats & Confessions” I am the yet to be named “Mob Boss”. The conflict / story is that “Steve” the son of the “Mob Boss” wants to leave the business, get married and live happily ever after. Needless to say, daddy is not real excited about that. You may already know this, but let’s just say gangsters are not real nice folk, even with “family” and I’ll leave it at that.
I filmed my part last Thursday and Friday night’s. This is a short film for some students at BYU and the way I understand it, it will be used by several of the students for different types of projects. They are also planning on submitting it to upcoming festivals. They found me on the internet by “google-ing” me. They found me on my myspace and here. Cool!
2.) “Where There's a Will, There's an Ape” This is a Sam Potter film. I worked with Sam over a year ago when he was the cinematographer on a project called “Graveyard Shift” I was the angry boss in that one.
Well he posted am audition call on “Craigslist” or the “Wasatch Film Group” and I responded with a copy of my resume and headshot. He recognized me, said he remembered me and gave me the part without an audition. Cool!
I play a small part in a bus station as a guy minding my own business waiting for my bus. Then the main nut job comes over to chat, and it goes from there. Lots of fun!
3.) Next up is an untitled “
Looking at the rest of the cast, I see there are lots of folks I have gotten to play with before, so I am excited to be a part of this one. I see that Niki Nelson is in this too. Her and I have been in several of the same projects but have only worked at the same time once. Other projects I find out about on her page, or in the opening credits of something. We did do one scene together where she killed me. OK, so, really, she brutally stabbed me to death after I was hit by a car…Cool! Hey she is also up for "Actress of The Month" vote for her today, & everyday in July!
4.) “2nd Thought” a James Cawley film. Is being produced by “In The Dark Studios” up in
Well I read the script, and other than some voice over by my “Boss”, I am the only one in the cast. Pretty cool! Well the story is about a guy who has lost everything and is at the end. He is an alcoholic, depressed, he feels worthless and hopeless. It is a sad story, but … I do have some dialogue but most of the film is going to be me ‘re-acting’ to everything in my world. The challenge will be me being believable. I’ve seen people try to do this type of thing and not too many of them are too very convincing, so I hope for James and myself that I am good enough to pull it off.
OK, I know I suck! I know that some of you only live vicariously through me and my exciting adventures and here I am letting you go for weeks without a Bill fix. Please find it in your heart to be forgiving. Ok, so, enough of that crap! Hey I’ve been busy, so back off!
The last post stated that I’d be emceeing the “Slippery Kittens” variety show event at the end of June, so I guess that’s where I’ll begin.
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a far, far away land, a land called Layton, in that land I participated in a fundraising activity along with a very special group of friends. Our fundraiser had us operating a TNT fireworks booth selling, what else but… fireworks. We did pretty well and so the following year we did it again, and so on, and so on. This was 8 years ago! We are still working with TNT, but for ourselves now, call it a “Gillane Family” fundraiser if you will. We now operate two 40 X 60’ tents on the west side, one in Kearns and the other a few blocks from our house in
So for the last week of June and the first week of July, we are busy with that and then for several weeks after, I am settling the books and paying everyone and generally closing a business down. It is actually a lot of fun and it seems like it’s the only time we get to see some of our friends.
The “Slippery Kittens” show was great as always and I can’t wait until the show on the 28th of July. This show is ALL new, new numbers, costumes, dances and fun.
This last week, these lovely ladies were part in a new feature film produced here in SLC called “Animals”. There is a part I think a dream sequence, that required burlesque dancers, so there you go!
The Kittens also held a carwash fundraiser for a guy named Marty who was deliberately run over by a white van at around 2 am near 700 East and 4500 South, a few weeks back while he and his wife were riding there bicycles. Tons of folks showed up, not only because of the bikini wearing Kittens, but because it was the right thing to do. There was an hour and a half wait to get your car washed. The car wash was held at a Moe’s bar and grill downtown where they had 3 or 4 bands playing and the proceeds were also donated to the “Marty” fund. Several more fundraisers are planned over the next few weeks for Marty and his family.
I am quite taken by the support of everyone involved. Including the “Bikers Against Child Abuse” who showed up in pretty impressive numbers to get their Harley’s cleaned, plus the many bars and clubs and other organizations that are holding events to help out.
Bar Deluxe where the Kittens perform, is holding a fundraiser this weekend. There will be a least 4 bands playing there too. So if you want to get out and play on Saturday night, head over to be
My next post is about my filming stuff. Stay tuned!
See Ya,