Friday, November 03, 2006

Thanks for the email. We are all doing OK. It has been a pretty tough year all around, but we are looking forward to heading up to Midway, Utah for Thanksgiving this year. ‘Trendwest’ has a new timeshare resort there and we are owners so we get to go there for the holiday week.

With Trendwest, we sent Billy & Dez to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Dez’s parents, because of her dad working for Delta, took care of the airfare part. We went to Las Vegas, when Steve & Jackie were there for a thanksgiving trip, two years ago. That’s when we first became owners.

Sue, me, Anna & Sean went to ‘Bear Lake’ in N/E Utah this past June. We have lived here for 10 years (in a few weeks) and had never been there before. The lake is beautiful with a real blue look from miles away and up close. We rented a boat and a pull tube and all got to ride and play. Even in June the water was very cold, but the ideal time to go, I hear, is in August for the raspberry festival days. That’s also when the water is the warmest for the year. My “myspace” page has photos in a slide show. -- I need to add the photos from our Halloween party here at the house.

I have been very busy with many short films and I even recorded a commercial for the Utah Film Commission that will be shown at the Sundance film festival, so tons of the ‘big boys’ will get to see it. It’s about why they need to come to Utah to make their film projects. I am the only speaking part where things happen around me. By the way, there were 23 feature films, 101 commercials, and several documentaries filmed in Utah this last fiscal year. Anna was in a Disney film. Sean was in the same one and another that is due out this holiday season called “Unaccompanied Minors”. I was in several of them too.

I was just cast in a TV pilot being filmed at Anna’s school and up in Park City. They started filming on Tuesday and my part is being filmed on Sunday and next Tuesday. The part is a small one but I was able to talk them into using me as the narrator during the opening scene.

I just finished filming my, on camera part, in a 60 minute short film where I play a shrink who is not as twisted as the internet film that I was in. I have about 10 full pages of dialogue left to record in a studio sometime in the next few weeks. And speaking of studio time, I will also be recording the opening narration for a feature film teaser and trailer. The teaser / trailer will be used to show investors, to get cash to make the actual movie where I also have a small part in addition to the narration.

I’ve got two other projects I’m currently working on too. One, I film on Saturday with studio work to be done at some other time and the other, I auditioned for last night, will film sometime in the next few weeks.

So that’s what is up with me. More than you expected I’ll bet, but that’s what I am doing and having a ball.

See Ya,

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