So we didn’t get any photos this past weekend, sorry.
Saturday, Sean and I went to one film shoot, 3 auditions, the last 35 minutes of a class, and finally one last film shoot.
I had a great time, and so did Sean until the last shoot. He just got bored. I can’t blame him. We were at the last one for about 5 hours and he didn’t have anything to do. OK, so he “forgot” he brought his homework with him.
Our first shoot Sean got to be a part of. He got to be in the film too! Some pretty funny stuff. Twisted? Sure, but funny! This was an idea of Josh S. for a submission to “On The Lot”. It was a documentary spoof. We got see some friends there that were also part of the project: Paul J., Dave C, Linda E., and a few others. It was a lot of fun, and we got done early, so we headed out to my first audition.
We actually got there early, yep, that’s what I said, early. They were the ones that were late. The camera man got caught in traffic on the freeway coming in form up north. The audition was a bit weird, only because it was held in the lobby of a movie theater, while the theater was open for business. But the theater, “The Broadway”, is an artsy type theater that embraces local and independent films and film makers. I think I did a great job, but who knows, we will see.
The second audition was what they call an “ultra cold read”. No script, called “sides”, in advance, and none out in the waiting area either. So there is no time to, go over any lines, or build a character, nor make any choices about the character. It is one of the most difficult types of auditions to do, especially if you are not a good reader. Thank goodness I do read aloud often and work on my reading skills too. That being said, I still didn’t feel good about my performance in the audition at all. Again, we will see.
The last audition was at the library. I loved the story idea as it is one that I could relate to. It was about a boy coming of the age to decide what name he was going to choose for himself. The names, were represented as the future adult, result of what he would choose. His name now is Billy. So his parents give him the choice, and he must choose between Bill @ 40 years old, William @ 50, Will @ 30, Willy @ 20 and so on, for his adult name. The name “Billy” is for little boys, and he has outgrown it. The Bill, Will, William and Willy, adults, are essentially a trying to convince Billy why he should choose their name as his adult name, and show Billy how his life will look when he does. I thought it was pretty cool idea, but the call backs were also Saturday and because of my filming, I was not able to make it back. Oh well!
We left there at around 2:45 and were on our way to my class that had started at 1:00. I committed to being there, so off we went. On the way, Sean kept saying he was hungry, my god, hadn’t he eaten just 8 or 9 hours ago. So we stopped at Burger King, apparently the only one in town, by the line at the drive through. We got our food and somehow my unfinished morning coffee ended up all over Sean. He was none too pleased, and wanted to clean up before we went any further. Fine! Whatever! Whiner! So we cleaned as best we could and off we went, again. Eating in the car is always fun. We got to the class it was about 3:20 and it ended at 4. Sean ate while I was in my class, and I waited.
We left class and headed straight to my last shoot of the day. I was supposed to have gotten there around 4 but got there at 4:15. Overall I didn’t think that was too bad, oh, and yes I did call. Within 5 minutes I was called in. The rest of the cast and crew were already there filming their parts, and I wasn’t needed until that time, so it worked out pretty well. Another fun script where I am tied up, pistol whipped, eventually escape then kill one of my captors all while maintaining my fan base. You’ll see. Tony H., you rock!
Sean and I left about 9:15 am and got home just before 10:00 pm. On a set that is a normal day, but doing all the running we did and getting all that we got done, done, I think we had a pretty darn productive day. Thanks for playing along.
See Ya,
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