Sunday, March 04, 2007

Blog Update 03-05-07

This past Friday evening we had a full script reading for the full length independent feature film “Mathews Sandcastle”. I have been given an additional role to play too. Actually the writer is blending the two roles, and still has to rewrite a bit of the script to do so. Cool for me, more screen time! We will start filming over the next few weeks. It was nice to meet and read with the entire cast, writer, director, producer… I really enjoy script readings because you get to see and hear the script, the whole story, come to life.

Friday I got a call for a “call back” audition for something I had auditioned for back on the 9th, called “The Rising” - a psychological warfare thriller... It’s a 3 part series pilot. I figured that they had already cast all the parts and just didn’t choose me. Well it was nice to have gotten called back. The call was for Saturday where I saw David Webb, Walter Platz and Susan Runkles , we all got called back, and I got to run a scene with Walter. He and I always seem to be up against each other for same parts. It also seems that if he doesn’t get the part, then I do, or the other way around. We have been in one film together. Walter is a great actor and I’m honored to even be considered when I’m up against him. I think that I only get the parts when they are looking for someone much younger. Yea, that must be it! Sorry Walter. It was a treat to be able to actually run an entire scene with him.

Sunday the 11th and Friday the 16th I have a rehearsal for a short film that we are filming on Saturday the 17th. Also Saturday, I have another film where they need to re-shoot some parts, because of a few technical problems. This is the Zombie film and so I’ll need to run back up in Logan for it. We’re still working out the details of how to do both in the same day.

The week of the 18th we start to film a political drama where I am a campaign manager for a man running for the US House of Representatives, and I am pretty sure I have the most dialogue in this one. Cool, for me, more screen time again!

See Ya,


P.S. I almost forgot, here are the two “On The Lot” films that I wrote about last time.

The Gilded Scarab

Self Control

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