This is a response to a story on the L. A. Times Blog Site. You can read the entire story here:
Open Letter to Dr. Ron Paul…….
It all started when we saw the first presidential debate over a year ago. My wife and I thought our voice could never make a difference. A government mostly comprised of constitutional traitors holding office. After hundreds of hours of reading, and learning, one cannot help question the workings. When we heard the honorable Dr. Ron Paul speak it gave us hope, and the feeling “Wow, finally a true statesmen.” So desperately needed.. As if something were in the water, in the halls of power and only Paul were immune!”. Began the research, more and more, not just words from faces but the substance in record and content in character. As it progressed, scary and shocking things were stumbled upon. Policies that put fear to ones bones as if the lives sacrificed upon the alter, of sovereign liberty to mean nothing.
Paul a humble elderly congressman from Texas. Him and his wife Carol married now some 51 years. To those hands which have guided thousands of new lives to the light of the world. A voice bringingt chills. Enthralling to the marrow. Searching for a single sentence, A fractured statement. From this hero country doctor, Ron Paul.
Read and watched searched and sought, until finally, triggered to action. I (we) signed on, with heart, soul, wallet and purse. We went for the first time in our life, to a meet-up group for a political organization. Ordered and made signs, cards, slim jims.. Started a family crusade to inform as many people as possible about the good doctor. As I discovered, he was nearly flawless in every way, and was directly in line with my thoughts. A Jeffersonian reincarnation. Just could not believe that we had found somebody that alone had fought so long. A crusader for rights and sovereignty for all , yet so honest, forthright and the will to speak truth to power.
Signs in the yard, stickers on a car, and wherever we traveled, always had Ron Paul items with us. Discovering many innovative ways to get this great message out.Spent days at the Daily Paul, excited and learning. Throughout the entire journey was triggered to research and understanding. To monetary policy. an economic expert on Fiat Currency, The Federal Reserve, The Gold Standard, The monetizing of Debt, IRS, Fractional Reserve Banking, The World Oil Trade, CFR (council for foreign relations) Nafta, The Patriot Act, the central bank and the list goes on. Having dug deep, We have informed our friends and family and strangers. To further seed the continuation of a revolution started our founders. When just a year ago, you could of asked any us about these topics, To receive a blank stare! What could have caused this bend of freedom to fascism, socialist corporate welfare, warfare, globalization industrial war mongering machine.
As we marched, participated in money bombs. To watch our numbers skyrocket, donated to our max. Watched the Blimp go into flight. Ron Pauls race car dream for fruition. Day after Day, the excitement built, and I could not believe we were part of such a great cause. So important to all. To many with excitement… “Have you heard of Ron Paul?” and when they would say no, over and over, to see the excitement. The birthing, another patriot awakened. One by one, day by day.
Blinded by enthusiasm, thinking that with all of this excitement, and with such an awesome candidate, and money raised, how could we lose?
The second debates came, Then came this sinking feeling. Soon we noticed that something was wrong. Ron Paul was not allowed to speak. He was given very little time. Then banned entirely. We started to wonder why? Debate after debate, we all witnessed the same thing. As this was going on, I noticed an entire switch in the media. No photos of the Dr. Not many mainstream articles, and the media calling him a kook, for believing in the constitution and the rule of law.
The continuation to deny the best candidate his due time of air. Belittlization and ignorization .. Then it all became too clear. After doing all of the research the Diebold machines, Caucus events, Primaries, Voter Fraud, To look in the mirror and say, how could one be so naive? Study and research, points to one thing. The powers to be do not want our champion anywhere near the white House. Congressman Paul challenges every single status quo the world government has built upon. Against the corrupt policies of a darkened government at every level. Has taken nearly a century to get these organizations ans policies in place, and they that run this country in high places, to pull out the stops to deny an honest voice.
Day after Day, Caucus after Caucus, Primary after Primary, The writing on the wall. Voting problems abound. New Hampshire broken chains of custody. Not counting all the votes. The Granny Warriors fighting for us in the NH recount. Washington state, Beverly Harris of Black box voting & Albert Howard shouting aloud, Jane Aitken doing her best. Everywhere hour after hour. The election process and the media have chosen there appointees.
Why did we fall into this? Why is the establishment so corruptrd? As if in a coherent deliberation trying to destroy this the greatest nation a blue jewel in blackest space could produce. Why are so many so blind?
I sometimes wish I could just erase this knowledge, had to find out. Had to play the hand all the way.
Don’t get me wrong…I (we) are more awake than ever. It just sickens me to see the continuation. Feeling so lost in regards to god and country. Like a single black sheep in a herd of a millions, trying to scream“Don’t run off that cliff!” Fearing such a small voice can’t be heard as they fall off the cliff unaware.
As we continue on, to march to Washington, I would like to tell you Ron Paul we will never give up. We will never surrender. If this country truly believes in our divinely inspired Constitution. Our leaders must not just promise to support and defend “but obey.” Yes”obey”
Wars, rumors of Wars, war with no end, restarting cold wars with Russia. Singing Bomb Iran. The devaluation of our monies. Oil 27 dollars a barrel attack Iraq under a UNITED NATIONS resolution 100 dollars barrel. The suspension of habeas corpus, Warrantless searches. Millions losing their houses and dreams.
Putting missiles in Poland. Stoking for war..Russia, the threatening of pre-emptive Nuclear
Rights being stripped away, layer by layer, day by day. Attacks upon the 1st and 2cd amendment
Opec switching away from the dollar. China holding $1,500,000,000,000 of our debt. Buying up our lands. Us having $56,000,000,000,000 in debt obligations. Inflation, taxation de-evalution
The list goes on and on….. What the hell’s going on!
As I close this letter, one families personal journey, Something else to say. That is, I (we) will keep up the fight, and will always be here, unless they shut down the net, and take a last bastion of freedom. We will get our chipped national ID, just like you all will. We’ll pay our taxes to continue wars negating our own national defense, allowing millions upon millions of illegal’s who hold no loyalty to our flag. We will continue doing our part. Support Ron Paul. Our champion. Our standard bearer. Never give up. So no matter how the remaining election plays, We will continue the fight! Dr Paul re-kindled the fire that will never go out.
To thoughts come a story my grandfather told “Virgil Gordon”. Of the Ferrol hogs that made (the blue ridge mtns.) their home. That if you put out food pigs would come. If you put up a wall they would scramble to the freedom of the forest, keep feeding, and continuously. They’d return. Put up another wall, and another they would flee,, slowly to return, over and over, until there were four walls with slight opening. Cautiously they’d enter until you could leave the pen open. still they would stay. To a point they’d squeal in terror. If prompted toward an opening and freedom.
And finally to you Dr. Ron Paul. In the days to come, and from what you have done in all our lives, even after you pass from this earth, just let to tell you, you have awakened the drowsing giant. You have showed a path, a tiny light in a vast sea of darkness an opening of light. As you said, “This is not about me, it is about the Message.” My god, you are so right. Tears comes to my eyes.. From every emotion of the last year, for every American, for every soldier that has died for the concept of a lie’s. Sorrow for the American not given the chance to awaken. Dr. Ron Paul, you have left a mark upon the few among the many, etched in stone. You have achieved your goal. An inspiration of soul. You said that this will last way beyond you, to now understand. Some of us have never met you, you sent a signed letter for what we have done. It is framed right over our hearth…Forever you have changed …us....the message will live... though our bones be dust. Promise in Passing a message, to our children and our children’s , children. To live forever. Should they plant you in the good earth prior our passing we will be there. As you ask assemble in Washington. Duty bound be there.
Whether it's at home or in passing. Never let it be said that you heard the voice of liberty and did not answer her call. Tell all of liberty and freedom. Which unites and binds us like no other.
Dr. Ron Paul and Carol……Thank You.
An American Family.
Posted by: Cherry
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